14 July, 2008

Female Orgasm Blackbook - Lee Jenkins



What This Manual Is About

This manual is a plain-and-simple, instructional guide on how to give women orgasms. The Female Orgasm Black Book is something that you can refer to time and time again.

I’ve written it with a male reader in mind, but the information in this manual is intended to help men, women and couples achieve female orgasms and have a more fulfilling sexual relationship.

The core section (The Female Orgasm Black Book) contains details of female orgasms, along with the overall “system” or “strategy” you’ll employ. I’ve also included a few techniques to illustrate what needs to be done, and when.

The other parts of the manual can be looked at as the “toolbox” of techniques. You’ll find a variety of different sexual techniques you can use to “plug-and-play” into the overall system.

OK, enough introductory talk…let’s get down to business!


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