13 July, 2008

21 Ways to Increase Your Traffic With FeedBurner



FeedBurner is a free service that allows you to track your feed traffic and all kinds of other fun stuff. It won't create a feed for you from scratch as often believed - rather it wraps itself snugly around a feed you bring in and adds its services therein. It has a few premium options for the serious feed publisher, too.
People ask me all the time if I suggest that they use FeedBurner’s plethora of free feed enhancement tools. I have always answered a resounding “Yes!” – But lately FeedBurner has moved itself to a whole new level.
Did I mention most of these tools are free, and can help increase the traffic you get to your blog, by using your feed? Don’t believe me – go to http://www.feedburner.com and see for yourself. Tell ‘em Tinu sent you.
They have no idea who I am but it’ll be fun, I promise.
So enough with the warm-up already, and let’s start talking about some of these incredible features.


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Comprehensive Guide To a Professional Website



This Guide addresses about 100 individual “how to” blogging topics and lessons, all geared to the content-focused and not occasional blogger. More than 140 citations, 80 of which are unique, are provided to other experts with guidance for all of us. The Guide itself occupies 80 pages. It is all free.
Is it all good stuff? Of course not! But there is hopefully more than one pony under the pile for those needing to join the “1% club” of purposeful, content-oriented, professional bloggers.

In this Guide you will find discussion of these useful topics:

+ How to choose blogging software and add-on tools
+ Taking control of the blogging process by hosting your own site
+ Getting your blog to display and perform right
+ Effective techniques for converting existing documents to your blog site HTML
+ Being efficient in posting, organizing and work-flowing to allow your diarist activities to flow naturally and productively
+ Keeping the blog site pump primed with fresh and relevant content.


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176 Blog Traffic Generator




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