10 June, 2008

How to Write Great Essay - by Lauren Starkey



In your preparations for college, you may find yourself facing a handful of high-stakes essays. Your college application requires at least one, and the SAT requires another. Depending upon the high school you attend, or the state you reside in, you may need to write an exit essay, or take the Regents Exam. This book includes specific strategies to help you write great essays, no matter which type you write.
In contrast to basic writing guides that contain plenty of information you don’t need, How to Write Great Essays focuses on the topics most important to you now.You won’t find a comprehensive guide to mechanics, but instead you will get short but thorough lessons on the most common errors made in grammar, spelling, usage, and how to prevent and correct these errors. Every chapter is designed to relate directly to your essay, giving you the knowledge and the know-how you need to succeed.
The book is divided into seven chapters, with the first five covering different aspects of
the writing process:

  1. Shows you how to organize your thoughts and ideas before you begin writing,
    with techniques such as freewriting, brainstorming, and outlining.
  2. is about saying exactly what you mean by avoiding ambiguous language,
    using modifiers, eliminating unnecessary words and phrases, and using the active
    voice whenever possible.
  3. examines word choice and how it can accurately convey your ideas.
  4. teaches the most common mechanical errors so you can eliminate them
    from your writing.
  5. shows you how to revise, edit, and proofread your essay.
  6. covers issues such as long-range planning, prewriting, and understanding
    the topics. Tips on writing to your audience and striking a balance between formality and informality are also explained.
  7. shows you how to prepare for timed essays. Learn how to research your exam,
    how to familiarize yourself with possible topic choices,and how to budget your time during the writing process.

The last three chapters of How to Write Great Essays will arm you with specific strategies
for writing both timed (SAT, GED) and untimed (college application, exit) essays.


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