FeedBurner is a free service that allows you to track your feed traffic and all kinds of other fun stuff. It won't create a feed for you from scratch as often believed - rather it wraps itself snugly around a feed you bring in and adds its services therein. It has a few premium options for the serious feed publisher, too.
People ask me all the time if I suggest that they use FeedBurner’s plethora of free feed enhancement tools. I have always answered a resounding “Yes!” – But lately FeedBurner has moved itself to a whole new level.
Did I mention most of these tools are free, and can help increase the traffic you get to your blog, by using your feed? Don’t believe me – go to http://www.feedburner.com and see for yourself. Tell ‘em Tinu sent you.
They have no idea who I am but it’ll be fun, I promise.
So enough with the warm-up already, and let’s start talking about some of these incredible features.