30 June, 2008

Advances in Mobile Commerce Technologies



With the number of mobile device users exceeding that of PC users, conducting business and services over these mobile devices, which is known as mobile commerce, is becoming real and attractive. Although mobile commerce shares many similarities with traditional electronic commerce, it extends the latter by offering a wide range of personalized and location-aware services to users by integrating a myriad of technologies together.
Some of these technologies are required to realize new mobile business opportunities, while others are needed to overcome the operating constraints within the mobile environment, such as limited screen size, less reliable and smaller bandwidth communication channel, shorter battery lifespan, and keyboardless input.
This book discusses mobile commerce with emphasis on both theory and application and serves as a good introductory guide for both researchers and practitioners. It consists of a collection of chapters on mobile commerce addressing a wide spectrum of technology and application issues. These chapters are essential to understanding the current state of mobile commerce applications and services.


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29 June, 2008

BadBoy Lifestyle Seduction Guide



This is not a “pickup” book. It’s not a series of tricks, cheesy pickup lines, games or other nonsense to help you fool a woman into sleeping with you. It is a complete nothing held back guide on how to change yourself to become a powerful more confident man who’s irresistible to women. It’s comprised of proven techniques that produce stunning results and have changed the lives of hundreds of men around the world.
This knowledge was previously ONLY available on Badboy Lifestyle Seduction Workshops…
Now it’s at your fingertips as well. If you’d love to ALWAYS know exactly what to say and do when you see a beautiful woman, regardless of when and where you meet her, and how to think, and act, like a “natural”, instead of a manipulator, then you’ve found the right source…
The BADBOY LIFESTYLE SEDUCTION GUIDE teaches the secrets of how to connect with a woman at a deep, instinctual, sexual level through body language and by radiating a unique confidence that comes from a deep understanding of female psychology and control of your Inner Game. You will learn proven tactics on how to project dominance and create instant attraction with lightning speed. These methods are devastatingly effective because they bypass a woman’s logical brain and instantly connect with her primal emotions and sexual drive on the most basic level. This is combined with other more conscious techniques that simultaneously create a deeper emotional connection to satisfy her cautious side, ultimately winning her over on all levels and making you the man of her dreams. The BadBoy Style of seduction overwhelms a woman’s emotional circuitry by using her natural built-in instinctive reactions to our advantage… The result is a reliable and elegant style of seduction that emanates from your unique strength as a man.


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28 June, 2008

Complete Idiot Guide - Tantric Sex



Uncover the sacred side of sex—with this second edition of the bestselling guide.
In this updated, fully illustrated second edition of the bestselling book, Dr. Judy Kuriansky—a certified associate Ipsalu Tantra Teacher—uncovers every aspect of this ancient practice. From the sacred beliefs behind Tantra and Tantric loving to the practice of Tantric techniques, this book includes a new chapter on sacred sex, an updated chapter on Tantra rituals, the author’s own Tantric sex therapy technique, tips from world-renowned Tantric experts, and listings of national Tantra instructors and workshops.
• Fully illustrated
• Author is a tantric expert who has studied with pioneer Margot Anand
• A basic introduction to the principles of Tantra
• Tantric sex was recently featured in an episode of Sex and the City and in an article in New York magazine


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27 June, 2008

The Multi-Orgasmic Man



Why do most men lose their ability to be multi-orgasmic. It is possible that for many men the experience of ejaculating, when it happens, is so overwhelming that it eclipses the experience of orgasm and causes men to lose the ability to distinguish between the two. One multi-orgasmic man described the first time he ejaculated: "I still remember it clearly. There I was orgasming as usual, but this time a white liquid came spurting out. I thought I was dying. I swore to God that I would never masturbate again – which of course lasted about a day." Since orgasm and ejaculation generally occur within seconds of one another, it is easy to confuse them.' To become multi-orgasmic, you must learn (or possibly relearn) the ability to separate the different sensations of arousal and to revel in orgasm without cresting over into ejaculation. Understanding how orgasm and ejaculation are different will help you distinguish the two in your own body. Read this book, you'll understand...


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26 June, 2008

Overcoming The Nice Guy Syndrome : How to Stop Being Shy Without Becoming A Jerk


Overcoming the Nice Guy Syndrome: How to Stop Being Shy Without Becoming A Jerk [UNABRIDGED]
by Ron Louis, David Copeland
Other products give useless advice on what to pick up women, but do not address real problems. This course does.
Very often shy men know exactly what they should do with women. They should say hi. They should ask women out. But for some reason, they can't get themselves to do it. We now understand these reasons, and know how to overcome them--and so can you, with this new audio course.
If you are a shy guy, all the techniques, pickup lines, or motivational visualizations in the world won't help you. The problem deeper than that, and has to be addressed, or you will stay shy. This course addresses those deeper reasons, and gives you concrete, tested ways to become less shy with women.
Imagine going from feeling guilty, afraid, or ashamed with women to feeling good about showing romantic interest, and having it work for both you and the woman! That's what Overcoming the Nice Guy Syndrome is about.
You often seem to end up a womans friend when you would rather be lovers
You have an especially difficult time showing sexual interest in a woman
You feel like showing sexual interest in a woman is using her, unless you get into a relationship with her
Women feel safe with you, but then go with bad boys, whom you don't want to be like, no matter what the cost
You are especially shy with women and feel guilty when you try to talk with them



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25 June, 2008

American English Idioms



Harry Collis “101 American English Idioms w/Audio CD"
McGraw-Hill; 2 edition (February 12, 2007) | ISBN: 0071487727 | 104 pages | PDF + mp3 | 10,6 + 49,1 MB

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24 June, 2008

Easy Way to Stop Smoking - by Allen Carr



If at the end of the book you decide that you wish to continue to smoke, there is nothing to prevent you from doing so. You don't even have to cut down or stop smoking while you are reading the book, and remember, there is no shock treatment. On the contrary, I have only good news for you. Can you imagine how the Count of Monte Cristo felt when he finally escaped from that prison? That's how I felt when I escaped from the nicotine trap. That's how the millions of ex-smokers who have used my method feel. By the end of the book: THAT'S HOW YOU WILL FEEL!


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23 June, 2008

Make Every Man Want You - by Marie Forleo



This book is designed to enlighten, entertain, and transform. Where appropriate, I’ve included thought-provoking questions to spark insight and irresistible action challenges to help you implement this material in order to create lasting and meaningful shifts in your life.
Remember, reading and understanding something is light-years away from actually doing it. I could read howto- write-a-self-help-book books all day long and understand
that I need to have an idea, an outline, a computer, and a printer. But if I don’t sit myself down and actually write, that self-help book will never come into existence! Same thing applies to you, dear reader. You must practice being irresistible if you really want to make every man want you. Intellectualizing is not enough.
This book is about using awareness to melt away previously hidden tendencies and behaviors that sabotage your relationships.
This book is yours. Use it fully. Try on the concepts. Complete every exercise. Experiment and discover your truth. Allow the magic on these pages to support you in expressing the power, enchantment, and sensuality you have waiting inside.
The world needs that smart, funny, beautiful woman you’ve been dying to unleash. It’s my honor to show you the way. Let’s go!


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22 June, 2008

Upgrading and Repairing Laptop 2nd edition



That said, Mueller does a great job of explaining how laptops work--how the engineers went about cramming all those heat-generating components into those miniature chassis in the first place. He also explains a lot of interesting component theory, such as how magnetic hard drives store data and how various DVD standards differ. The information makes for good reading, and comes in handy when you're shopping. He also demonstrates his skill--long well-reputed among builders and repairers of desktop machines--in teaching diagnostics. He explains, for example, how to test a laptop power supply, and why you should consider it a prime suspect in a malfunctioning computer even if the LEDs come on and the cooling fan spins.
Topics covered: How portable computers work (and sometimes fail to work), and how to diagnose their woes. Sections address general troubleshooting concepts, system disassembly, and various subsystems such as memory, CPU, storage, and video. Coverage of PCMCIA (PC Card) is particularly good. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Book Description
Scott Mueller has gone where no computer book author has gone before — right past all the warranty stickers, the hidden screws, and the fear factor to produce a real owner's manual that every laptop owner should have on his desk. Upgrading and Repairing Laptops, Second Edition shows the upgrades users can perform, the ones that are better left to the manufacturer, and how to use add-on peripherals to make the most of a laptop. This second edition has been updated to include:
* The latest processors and motherboards
* Complete assembly and disassembly information
* Updated memory standards
* Upgrading your hard drive to increase performance
* Changes in networking and firewalls


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21 June, 2008

Upgrading and Repairing Laptop



Welcome to Upgrading and Repairing Laptops, the only book of it's kind on the market!

Laptop computers are the largest growing part of the computer industry, with sales that continue to outpace desktop systems. Much of this is being driven by wireless technology, which is projected to reach 90% of the mobile system installed base by 2007.

But aren't laptops proprietary, which means they cannot easily be upgraded or repaired? Many people are familiar with the fact that desktop PCs normally use industry-standard components, which allow cost-effective upgrades and repairs to be performed. In fact, this philosophy is the basis for my best-selling book Upgrading and Repairing PCs, currently available in a 15th anniversary edition. However, what many people don't know is that laptop and notebook computers have evolved from being mostly proprietary to using larger and larger numbers of industry-standard components. This means, in plain English, that laptop and notebook computers are more upgradable and repairable than ever before. Being a long-time user of portable computers myself, I thought the time was finally right to explore this subject in more depth, resulting in this new book.

In this book, you will learn about all the components that make up a modern laptop or notebook computer, which components are based on industry standards and which are proprietary, and which components can easily be upgraded or replaced. As most of you know, laptops are more expensive than desktops, so whereas desktop computers are becoming more and more of a commodity, laptops are still somewhat exclusive. They are more difficult to work on, and the components are smaller and more expensive. All of this contributes to upgrades and repairs that are more expensive overall.


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20 June, 2008

How To Start a Conversation and Make Friend - by Don Gabor



When the "channel of conversation" is open, we can connect and communicate with people around us. If the conversational channel is closed, then starting and sustaining a conversation can be a real problem. This book is based on my "How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends" workshop, and it will show you how to "turn on" your conversational channel and "tune in" to people you meet.
The conversational techniques in this book have been successfully tested in my workshops and proven as methods of starting and sustaining conversations in nearly every situation— including social and business settings. The techniques are presented in an easy-to-master format so you can start improving your communication skills and self-confidence  quickly. The techniques are demonstrated in real-life situations so you can practice and learn them within the context of your own lifestyle and at your own pace. This book can be helpful to a wide variety of people,

If you want more rewarding conversations in professional, social, or personal situations, then this book is for you.


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19 June, 2008

How To Get Into Threesomes - by Anthony Berger



Threesomes can be tricky. Very tricky. Do it wrong and it can jeopardize your relationship with a girl. Do it right and you can experience something only 2% of men have ever had the joy of experiencing.
Threesomes don’t come around often. Given that you need a girl that is willing to swing with another chick or with one of your friends, your chances of getting into one are slim.
In either case, I strongly disagree getting a girl you care about involved. A threesome can only damage a love-relationship. If you want to get a girl involved, get one that you don’t have too many feelings for, one that you see as play mate or sex partner (and she sees you in that light likewise).
Every now and then you will come about women like this, especially after using the Advanced Macking methods.
They understand that if things don’t work out, no one will be hurt and you won’t be hearing about this for the rest of your life. So when I refer to “girl” here, please understand that I don’t mean girl friend but instead a sex-partner, some one who you can call for last-minute sex and not someone who you picture getting married to.

So, let's get started now !!


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18 June, 2008

How To Have a XXX Life - by Vivid Girls, Dan Anderson & Maggie Berman



This book is about taking your own sex life to a higher level, to a place where inhibitions fall away and creativity and a sense of adventure flourish.
The adult world's top male and female stars, and their directors, offer their expertise, of both their on-camera exploits and their private bedroom discoveries.
They share not only technical tips, but also advice on freeing yourself of the guilt and inhibitions that prevent many of us from fully enjoying ourselves sexually Go behind the scenes, and step into a world where sex can be as free and unencumbered as it appears in movies.
We begin with the basics: communication, seduction, setting the scene. Then we move on to specific technical tips, all accompanied by references for further research.
By the end of the book, you might be ready for more "advanced" techniques, so we offer sections on multiple orgasms, multiple partners, anal sex, and more. Whatever you choose to use, or leave to the realm of fantasy, all of it is designed to help you-and your partner, if you have one-have the most satisfying sex ever. So if you're ready to begin, let's get rolling.


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16 June, 2008

Awakening The Third Eye - by Samuel Sagan, M.D.



Awakening the Third Eye lays the foundations for an experiential approach to a work of inner alchemy. Many of the techniques given in the beginning are not to be regarded as  alchemical’ in a strict sense, but as a necessary preparation without which the more advanced phases of the work would not make any sense.
Rather than first developing theoretical aspects at length, indications will gradually be given throughout this book and the following ones to clarify the purposes and principles of a work of inner alchemy. The nature of our topic will also provide ample opportunities to develop various aspects related to subtle bodies.


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15 June, 2008

Men's Quick Start Guide To Dating Women



You are well into your twenties now and it’s time you started actually asking women out on real “dates” and not just hanging out somewhere in a group. I’m here to explain a few important things about dating grown women to you before you go out there, fall on your face and embarrass both of us (yes, I’m on your side!). So pay attention, here.

When you decide to date women after I have taught you everything you need to know to get them to date you, I am NOT to be held responsible. I DON’T want you breaking their hearts and I certainly DON’T want them to break yours.


I’ll bet that you haven’t even asked a girl out on a real date. And it’s about time you did! You, big brother, need to expand your horizons so listen up!

Oh, one more thing before I begin: I will be revealing some secrets about women to you that I bet you didn’t know before you read this book. And promise me - you are NOT to share these with your buddies. You don’t need the competition and I don’t need to be black listed among those of my gender who do hold some secrets near and dear to their hearts.

So, listen carefully, take notes if you want to but don’t share this information about how to talk to women, how to date women and how to impress them enough for them to want to date you the second time and many times after that. Actually some of this stuff is so elementary, I’m surprised that you don’t already know it but you obviously don’t... so here goes!


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14 June, 2008

Fearless Interviewing - by Mark Stein



Just read it yourself  [",]


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13 June, 2008

The Smart Woman's Guide to Plastic Surgery - by Jean M. Loftus, M.D.



This book does its best to provide you with the most useful, accurate, and complete information available about plastic surgery. But techniques and technologies are constantly changing, patients vary in their response to treatments, and the practice of plastic surgery is far more complicated than can be captured in one book.
Realize that this book is intended to facilitate the communication between you and your surgeon—not replace it. If you want advice about cosmetic surgery, you must see a trained medical professional. Do not adopt any of the advice contained in this book without first consulting your physician.
Do not use this book to self-diagnose your problem, prescribe your own treatment, or identify complications. All matters pertaining to your health require medical supervision. Regarding any and all issues related to your preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care, you must consult your doctor without hesitation. The author and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this book.


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12 June, 2008

Building Forum With vBulletin - by Adrian & Kathie Kingsley-Hughes



vBulletin is a very popular, commercial discussion forums application. Written in PHP, it is the system of choice for many of the biggest and most popular discussion forums on the Internet.
This book takes you step by step through setting up and running your own vBulletin website. In easy-to-follow language, it will show you how to select a vBulletin license, set up the site, and then customize and use it for maximum impact. You will learn how to use the powerful administration features of vBulletin, and even see how to alter the code to create your own 'hacks'.

What This Book Covers
Chapter 1
gives you a quick overview of vBulletin's key features and benefits and helps you choose the right vBulletin license for your community's needs.
Chapter 2 shows you how to go about installing and configuring a vBulletin installation.
Chapter 3 gives you a quick tour of vBulletin from both the user's perspective and the admin side.
Chapter 4 shows you how to go about customizing almost every aspect of a vBulletin installation.
Chapter 5 is a key chapter, which shows a vBulletin forum administrator how to go about administering every aspect of their forum.
Chapter 6 looks at the vBulletin upgrade process and guides you through the successful migration of all the important settings and customizations.
Chapter 7 shows you how to go about designing a new vBulletin template.
Chapter 8 shows you how to create and then distribute new vBulletin forum hacks.
Chapter 9 provides you with an important programmer's reference of information that will be handy to you when working with a vBulletin forum.


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11 June, 2008

101 Amazing Ways To Say "I Love You !" - by Cucan Premo



Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
Franklin P. Jones

Falling in love is easy; telling someone you love them isn’t always as simple. You want to make the first time you say, “I love you” to be special and the millionth time to be just as memorable.
So, how do you do it?
Saying “I love you” doesn’t have to be perfect, but the intention and the feeling behind it should be. In a word, saying, “I love you” needs to be genuine.
If you’re stumped for ideas about how to tell your lover that you love them, here are some hints and tips to get your loving feelings out in the open.


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10 June, 2008

How to Write Great Essay - by Lauren Starkey



In your preparations for college, you may find yourself facing a handful of high-stakes essays. Your college application requires at least one, and the SAT requires another. Depending upon the high school you attend, or the state you reside in, you may need to write an exit essay, or take the Regents Exam. This book includes specific strategies to help you write great essays, no matter which type you write.
In contrast to basic writing guides that contain plenty of information you don’t need, How to Write Great Essays focuses on the topics most important to you now.You won’t find a comprehensive guide to mechanics, but instead you will get short but thorough lessons on the most common errors made in grammar, spelling, usage, and how to prevent and correct these errors. Every chapter is designed to relate directly to your essay, giving you the knowledge and the know-how you need to succeed.
The book is divided into seven chapters, with the first five covering different aspects of
the writing process:

  1. Shows you how to organize your thoughts and ideas before you begin writing,
    with techniques such as freewriting, brainstorming, and outlining.
  2. is about saying exactly what you mean by avoiding ambiguous language,
    using modifiers, eliminating unnecessary words and phrases, and using the active
    voice whenever possible.
  3. examines word choice and how it can accurately convey your ideas.
  4. teaches the most common mechanical errors so you can eliminate them
    from your writing.
  5. shows you how to revise, edit, and proofread your essay.
  6. covers issues such as long-range planning, prewriting, and understanding
    the topics. Tips on writing to your audience and striking a balance between formality and informality are also explained.
  7. shows you how to prepare for timed essays. Learn how to research your exam,
    how to familiarize yourself with possible topic choices,and how to budget your time during the writing process.

The last three chapters of How to Write Great Essays will arm you with specific strategies
for writing both timed (SAT, GED) and untimed (college application, exit) essays.


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09 June, 2008

2500 Keyword to Get You Hired


Keywords represent a subset of this matter. Keywords are nouns and adjectives that serve to describe you professionally. This guide offers a variety of tools for you. For the top professions we identified, you will find a list of at least 20 keywords, an example of their use in a sample resume, and their use in a sample interview question.
Not every keyword is illustrated in every respective resume or sample interview. Inserting every keyword would have made them too wordy and in many cases unrealistic. These samples will give you some ideas, but your use really depends on your own experiences and objectives. Each profession showcases the work of both the authors and the members of the Professional Association of Resume Writers.
Really look over “Tips to Get You Hired” starting on Chapter 3. They will provide you with savvy tips you won’t find anywhere else. The tips are divided into six categories and are very tactical in nature.
We always try to stay away from theory and instead emphasize hands on tactics.


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08 June, 2008

How To Find The Right Person in 90 Days - by Dawn Yanek



There is someone wonderful out there right now, just hoping to find you. Yes, you. We know that may be difficult to believe, especially if you’ve been searching for a while with little luck—or if you agree with the 52 percent of single people recently surveyed who think they’ll never find The One.

This three-month plan isn’t just for a narrowly defined set of single people. It’s for anyone who’s looking to get back in the game with a distinct advantage—whether you’re never married, newly divorced, a single parent, straight (or gay), or over 50 and starting over—whatever your situation may be.

From learning the lessons past relationships hold and boosting your self-confidence to the actual ins and outs of dating, we’ll give you the advice and support you need. Plus, you’ll be able to gain great insights from our trove of Match.com success stories.

You may be asking yourself if now is the right time, and the answer is absolutely, undeniably “yes.” Achieving a happy relationship may be the most important thing you ever do, but it doesn’t have to be a long, painful process. We have the secrets for you to get exactly what you want quickly and effectively, and it’s all broken down for your ease of use—month by month, week by week. With this guide, you can unlock the door to your future happiness (in fact, you may want to think of this as your master key to love).

So what are you waiting for? Click on to start making it happen for you!


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07 June, 2008

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray Ph.D.

gambar 2


It inspired my seven years of research to help develop and refine the insights about men and women in this book. By learning in very practical and specific terms about how men and women are different, 1 suddenly began to realize that my marriage did not need to be such a struggle. With this new awareness of our differences Bonnie and 1 were able to improve dramatically our communication and enjoy each other more.

By continuing to recognize and explore our differences we have discovered new ways to improve all our relationships. We have learned about relationships in ways that our parents never knew and therefore could not have taught us. As 1 began sharing these insights with my counseling clients, their relationships were also enriched. Literally thousands of those who attended my weekend seminars saw their relationships dramatically transform overnight.

Opening the heart results m greater forgiveness and increased motivation to give and receive love and support. With this new awareness, you will, 1 hope, go beyond the suggestions in this book and continue to develop ways in which you can relate lovingly to the opposite sex.

All of the principles in this book have been tested and tried. At least 90 per cent of the more than 25,000 individuals questioned have enthusiastically recognized themselves 'm these descriptions. If you find yourself nodding your head while reading this book, saying "Yes, yes this is me you're talking about," then you are definitely not alone. And just as others have benefited from applying the insights in this book, you can as well.

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus reveals new strategies for reducing tension in relationships and creating more

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06 June, 2008

23 Secret to Rediscover Delight and Fulfillmen in Your Work By Carl Dierschow



The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else. Job security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Remember: Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career!

—Earl Nightingale, motivational speaker

The philosophy for doing this is simple.

You create your own job satisfaction.

This means you cannot rely on your employers to give you all the answers, if indeed they ever could. You need to take actions to ensure you have motivating work, enjoy the environment and your co-workers, and do not overwork yourself and ignore your personal goals. Peter Drucker explores this concept in his excellent article, “Managing Oneself.”

The secret to job satisfaction is simply the intersection between two simple concepts. The first is that your employer needs value from you or the organization will not be interested in giving you jobs and opportunities for growth. The second concept is that you need things from your employer––reasonable income, interesting jobs, worthwhile contributions, and stimulating learning opportunities. When you have these, you are likely to be a productive employee who is interested in staying with the company for the long term.

It is common for people to never feel as if they have found this “sweet spot.” If you are experiencing stress and lack of job satisfaction, then this book is for you. It will give you some ideas, help you take control of your own job satisfaction, and create a win-win relationship with your employer.


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05 June, 2008

Art of Mind


Make Woman Laugh by Martin Merril


Human beings have an obsessive desire to remain consistent. It is
psychologically impossible to dislike the person who has already made
you laugh genuinely for more than 5 times, because humans can’t
handle the incongruity between laughter (liking someone) and disliking

In other words, women tend to get closer to a guy who has
consistently made them laugh! This not only occurs at a logical level
(“oh, being with him gives me so much joy and I want more”), but
also at a subconscious level (maintaining consistency). Once we were
made laugh by someone, it would be very inconsistent if we still
maintained an antagonistic attitude towards that person.

Therefore, I use laughter to make women fall in love with me.
And the more women I could make laugh, the better I get.
But I realize that I can’t possibly make all the women in the world to
fall in love with me. That’s why I wrote this book for you. That’s why
I’ve decided to share my techniques of making women laugh.

I only have this one question for you: why must you learn to make
women laugh? Since you’ve bought this book, you’ve made a
commitment. And I made a commitment too—to make sure you get
the most out of this book and completely transform you into a much
more humorous and attractive person.

Yeah I know being funny would be a nice quality to have. It would
certainly benefit many aspects of your life, and blah, blah, blah…

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by TemplatesForYouTFY